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South Beaver Supervisors

The Supervisors are governed by the Second Class Township Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The functions and purposes of South Beaver's Supervisors are vast and varied. The three individuals seated on the Board of Supervisors are elected at-large to serve a six year term. Among their responsibilities they are responsible for adopting ordinances that regulate Township activities, establishing policy decisions and adopting the annual budget.

Board of Supervisors:                       

Phone: 724-846-9320 Fax: 724-843-8997

                                                                 Term Expires on:

Tom Miller                 Chairman                       2024

John Onuska            Supervisor                     2026

Jack Mintier              Supervisor                     2028

Township Secretary, Treasure:

Ashley Carr 

Township Road Master:    


Township Tax Collector
Robin Huston   Phone 724-846-6267   PAGE


Township Solicitor

Joseph Budicak       724-847-7299

Township Engineer/Zoning Officer

John R. Heyl, P.E. CPESC


Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc

Civil Engineering & Surveyors

846 Fourth Ave, Coraopolis, PA 15108

(412) 264-4400

(422) 264-1200 FAX

Municipal Office Hours:

Monday & Wednesday 8:30am to 4:30pm.


8:30 to Noon

Closed Sat. and Sun.


All offices are closed for the Holidays.


Times may very:

Anyone with business is encouraged to call ahead to confirm the office will be open, as the office staff attend meetings or run errands          


Supervisors Meetings:

The supervisors meet on the second Wednesday of each month and the fourth Wednesday when needed at 7:00 p.m.

In the Township Municipal Building.

All meetings are open to the public with an opportunity for public comment.

805 Blackhawk Rd,

Beaver Falls, Pa 15010

Planning Commission Board       

Jim Perenovich                                        

Randy Brewer                                          

Daniel Rastatter                                      

Rich Barger                                              

Jim Shroads                                             

Planning Commission Board: 

Made up of five board members responsible for reviewing development plans to ensure they comply with local zoning and subdivision/land development ordinances.  The Planning Commission is responsible for site plans, subdivisions, conditional use and rezoning.

The Planning Commission meet at the 
South Beaver Municipal building, located 805 Blackhawk Rd., as needed.

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